Player Of The Month Tournament 2025
Player of the Month Tournament 2025
Player of the Month is a fun way to reward players for playing and doing well in Wizard's Tower In-Store Magic events!
There are now four ways to win with Player of the Month Leaderboards for Pioneer, Modern, Standard/Pauper***, and Limited (Any Draft or Sealed Magic Event) Magic Events! You can even play in multiple formats and have a chance to win prizes for being at the top of each Leaderboard!
How do you earn these points do you ask? Easy, come and play Magic tournaments at Wizard's Tower.
For every event they participate in players will receive 5 POTM points! Players must play a complete round to qualify for the Attendance points. You can also earn points by winning matches during each event.
During each constructed or 3 or 4 Round Magic event players will receive points for the following:
- 3 POTM Points for each match won.
- 1 POTM Point for each match draw.
For example, if you end up 2-2, you would receive 11 total POTM Points. 5 POTM for participating in the event and 3 POTM points for each match won.
To ensure fairness in our events, specific point totals will not be shown or made known during the final week of each month. (Placement will still be shown)
*This includes matches played in the top 8 of a tournament [Match must be played to have points count]
***Points Are Updated Every Monday***
****Please Note that it is important that players DO NOT CHANGE , or USE MULTIPLE NAMES for events During any One Month as their points will be collected as separate persons and corrections to posted standings may not be corrected after the fact.
Prize Pool
The top 4 players with the most Player of the Month points in each category will receive the following prizes at the end of each month!
Standard/Pauper 1st Place
$40 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + STANDARD ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Standard OR Pauper event in the following month]
2nd Place
- $30 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + STANDARD ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Standard OR Pauper event in the following month]
3rd Place
- $20 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + STANDARD ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Standard OR Pauper event in the following month]
4th Place
- $10 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + STANDARD ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Standard OR Pauper event in the following month]
Modern 1st Place
$40 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + MODERN ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Modern event in the following month]
2nd Place
- $30 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + MODERN ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Modern event in the following month]
3rd Place
- $20 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + MODERN ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Modern event in the following month]
4th Place -
$10 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + MODERN ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Modern event in the following month]
Pioneer 1st Place
- $40 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + PIONEER ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Pioneer event in the following month]
2nd Place
- $30 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + PIONEER ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Pioneer event in the following month]
3rd Place
- $20 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + PIONEER ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Pioneer event in the following month]
4th Place
- $10 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + PIONEER ENTRY PACKAGE [$5 OFF each Pioneer event in the following month]
Limited (Any Draft or Sealed Magic Event) 1st Place
- $40 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + LIMITED ENTRY PACKAGE [$20 OFF ONE Limited Event in the following month]
2nd Place
- $30 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + LIMITED ENTRY PACKAGE [$20 OFF ONE Limited Event in the following month]
3rd Place
- $20 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + LIMITED ENTRY PACKAGE [$20 OFF ONE Limited Event in the following month]
4th Place
- $10 in Wizard's Tower Store Credit + LIMITED ENTRY PACKAGE [$20 OFF ONE Limited Event in the following month]
*POTM Points will not be earned for any Magic event that is not Standard/Pauper, Modern, Pioneer, or Limited formats. (i.e. Legacy)
**Please note there is no monthly POTM tournament and there are no longer any Double Point Days
***As of July 1st, 2024 Standard and Pauper Formats will become a combined Format with regards to points for POTM.
Tiebreakers for Player of the Month Leaderboards:
- Number of Events Played
- Number of 4-0s [or 3-0s]
- Placing in Events
- Highest Ranked Event Size
- Second Highest Ranked Event Size
- Chosen at Random
Points are Updated on Mondays.
FINAL MONTHLY Standings As Of February 28th 2025
February 2025 Player Of The Month FINAL MONTHLY STANDINGS- Standard/Pauper
(Top 4 Player of the Month Point earners in each category win a prize for the month!)
PLACE | NAME | POTM Points |
1 | Bruno Vergara | 65 |
2 | Jim Smith | 46 |
3 | Victoria Wallace | 36 |
4 | Juan Marco Gloriani | 36 |
5 | Logan Aylesworth | 33 |
6 | Helvetica Ramirez Sagan | 31 |
7 | Jadon Van | 31 |
8 | Yan Oueis | 28 |
9 | Georges Turcotte | 24 |
10 | Jason Aylesworth | 21 |
11 | Harry Fang | 21 |
12 | Kyle Ryc | 19 |
13 | Eric Poitras | 16 |
14 | Jacob Hadley | 16 |
15 | Stephen Keeffe | 15 |
16 | B M | 14 |
17 | Mike Wong | 14 |
18 | Terrence Johnstone | 12 |
19 | Tony Jin | 11 |
20 | Nelson Kim | 11 |
21 | Luka Lawford | 11 |
22 | Marko Celenkovic | 11 |
23 | Charles Bergeron | 11 |
24 | William Lefebvre | 11 |
25 | Guilor Fernandez | 11 |
26 | Isaac Arneill | 8 |
27 | Owen M | 8 |
28 | Finnley Van | 8 |
29 | Evelyn Sifton | 8 |
30 | Thomas Pingot | 8 |
31 | Curtis Lacasse | 8 |
32 | Chris Whan | 8 |
33 | Trevor Curry | 5 |
February 2025 Player Of The Month FINAL MONTHLY STANDINGS- Modern
(Top 4 Player of the Month Point earners in each category win a prize for the month!)
PLACE | NAME | POTM Points |
1 | Devin Waclawik | 57 |
2 | Jonathan Smith | 51 |
3 | Steve Duford | 45 |
4 | Long Luu | 45 |
5 | Warren Salzman | 41 |
6 | Jason Breault | 40 |
7 | André Fortier | 36 |
8 | Napoleon Jofre | 30 |
9 | Alex Proulx | 26 |
10 | Philip Vandersleen | 25 |
11 | Jean-francois Dube | 22 |
12 | Cody Kingan | 19 |
13 | Jamie Power | 19 |
14 | Matthew Brady | 16 |
15 | Rodean Rahgozar | 16 |
16 | Ryan Baker | 14 |
17 | Liam Haldenby | 14 |
18 | Callum Cooke | 11 |
19 | Ayden Park | 11 |
20 | Kevin Dixon | 11 |
21 | Soph Kirton | 11 |
22 | Steve Borax | 11 |
23 | Thomas Kralik | 11 |
24 | Thomas Pingot | 11 |
25 | Justin Lee-Jenkins | 9 |
26 | Jameson Power | 8 |
27 | Ethan Boxall | 8 |
28 | Morgin Aubry | 8 |
29 | Helvetica Ramirez Sagan | 5 |
February 2025 Player Of The Month FINAL MONTHLY STANDINGS - Pioneer
(Top 4 Player of the Month Point earners in each category win a prize for the month!
Place | Name | Points |
1 | Gui Belley | 51 |
2 | Logan Aylesworth | 50 |
3 | Paul Czuboka | 50 |
4 | Jason Aylesworth | 44 |
5 | William Lefebvre | 41 |
6 | Jim Smith | 37 |
7 | Michael K4lli | 28 |
8 | Ali Tabaja | 27 |
9 | Matt Lapierre | 25 |
10 | Helvetica Ramirez Sagan | 22 |
11 | Eddie Hogue | 19 |
12 | Sam Schwartz | 17 |
13 | Thomas Kralik | 14 |
14 | Marko Celenkovic | 12 |
15 | Zack Runciman | 11 |
16 | Evan Karafotias | 10 |
17 | Phil Kay | 9 |
18 | Hadi Tabaja | 8 |
19 | Luka Lawford | 8 |
20 | Yan Oueis | 5 |
21 | Ethan Mumford | 5 |
February 2025 Player Of The Month FINAL MONTHLY STANDINGS- Limited
(Top 4 Player of the Month Point earners in each category win a prize for the month!)
PLACE | NAME | POTM Points |
1 | Lorne Porter | 181 |
2 | Brian Saunders | 139 |
3 | Stephane Horne | 116 |
4 | Christopher Capy | 112 |
5 | Matt Lapierre | 92 |
6 | Nina Guy | 76 |
7 | Kevin MacDonald | 71 |
8 | Zach Bush | 67 |
9 | Andrew Hum | 67 |
10 | Justin Hebert | 64 |
11 | Josh Trower | 60 |
12 | Finn Grimshaw | 51 |
13 | David Willson | 48 |
14 | Eric Poitras | 43 |
15 | Brian Mcelligott | 43 |
16 | Maverick Mailhot | 43 |
17 | John Hodgins | 37 |
18 | Anthony King | 37 |
19 | Mark Nunnikhoven | 36 |
20 | Rodean Rahgozar | 35 |
21 | Igor B | 35 |
22 | Elias Saswirsky | 33 |
23 | Marc Gagnon | 28 |
24 | Josip Dorvak | 28 |
25 | Scott Charles | 27 |
26 | Michael Langner | 27 |
27 | Xander Woods | 27 |
28 | James Perry | 25 |
29 | Stéphane Halley | 24 |
30 | Caleb Boese | 23 |
31 | Anderson Kuhne | 23 |
32 | Noah Camel-Toueg | 23 |
33 | Devin Parry | 23 |
34 | James Strickler | 23 |
35 | Sean Beckett | 23 |
36 | Sam Ankenmann | 23 |
37 | Jack Nguyen | 22 |
38 | Victoria Wallace | 22 |
39 | Mike Debicki | 22 |
40 | Tiago Granja | 22 |
41 | Samuel Baumann | 22 |
42 | Scott Molnar | 21 |
43 | Mark Hineman | 21 |
44 | Brooken Schulzke | 20 |
45 | ian Davidson | 20 |
46 | Jesse Hennessy | 20 |
47 | Aaron Nunnikhoven | 19 |
48 | Scott Hutchens | 19 |
49 | Garrett McDonald | 19 |
50 | Mark Reid | 19 |
51 | Alec Miske | 19 |
52 | Justin Jim | 17 |
53 | Richard Rae | 17 |
54 | Sebastien Buxcey | 16 |
55 | Sergio Ramos | 16 |
56 | Leon Kennedy | 16 |
57 | Guilor Fernandez | 16 |
58 | Danial Leduc | 16 |
59 | Jarrett Burke | 16 |
60 | Eric Côté | 14 |
61 | Derek Horemans | 14 |
62 | Ruby Baverstock-Manlow | 14 |
63 | Cory Lamb | 14 |
64 | Cody McConnell | 14 |
65 | William Hawes | 14 |
66 | Aodhan Levi | 14 |
67 | Matthew Fundarek | 13 |
68 | Noah Glogauer | 13 |
69 | Jacko S | 13 |
70 | Marko Celenkovic | 12 |
71 | Geoffrey Lavoie | 12 |
72 | Keith P | 12 |
73 | John Matsoukas | 12 |
74 | Jorgen Nielsen | 12 |
75 | Mike Norman | 12 |
76 | Walker Lucchese | 12 |
77 | Michael K4lli | 12 |
78 | Aura Yu | 12 |
79 | Robin Adcock | 12 |
80 | Colman Brown | 12 |
81 | Cameron Serre | 12 |
82 | Joel Dunville | 12 |
83 | Alex Lavoie | 12 |
84 | Devin Pariseau | 12 |
85 | Phil Ethier | 12 |
86 | Ari Hymes | 12 |
87 | Evan Daniel | 12 |
88 | John Mercer | 11 |
89 | Trisha Turner | 11 |
90 | John Armitage | 11 |
91 | Ben Ivan | 11 |
92 | Jim Smith | 11 |
93 | Aaron Byrne | 11 |
94 | Jeremy Troicuk | 11 |
95 | Jayson Johnson | 11 |
96 | Ethan Mumford | 11 |
97 | Amelia Francis | 11 |
98 | Jake Nelson | 11 |
99 | Cedric Cl | 11 |
100 | Violet Hynes | 11 |
101 | ian johnstone | 11 |
102 | Ty Draper | 11 |
103 | Andrew McCowan | 11 |
104 | Evan smith | 11 |
105 | Aaron Lafont | 11 |
106 | Nicolas Denis | 11 |
107 | Raphael Fortin | 11 |
108 | Konrad Schmidt | 11 |
109 | Mackenzie Yendall | 11 |
110 | Serena Payette Payette | 11 |
111 | Nico Vanderkraay | 11 |
112 | Scott Rowan | 11 |
113 | Owen Richter | 11 |
114 | Keith Bowie | 11 |
115 | Nick Sirman | 11 |
116 | Matthew Okum | 11 |
117 | Mac Wright | 11 |
118 | Oliver Mihorean | 11 |
119 | Justin Burgess | 11 |
120 | Julian Greppin | 11 |
121 | Omar Afify | 11 |
122 | Juan Marco Gloriani | 11 |
123 | Zack Dano | 11 |
124 | Stephen Mara | 9 |
125 | Ali Tabaja | 9 |
126 | Melody Beausoleil | 9 |
127 | Hunter Chan | 9 |
128 | Benjamin Beltraman | 9 |
129 | Kevin Shimotakahara | 9 |
130 | Josh C | 9 |
131 | Paige MacLennan | 8 |
132 | Avery Wheat | 8 |
133 | Dylan Payne | 8 |
134 | Daniel Bauer | 8 |
135 | Pier-Dominic laroche | 8 |
136 | Simon Sage | 8 |
137 | Joanna Marcinkowska | 8 |
138 | Phil Bazinet | 8 |
139 | Michael A Heath | 8 |
140 | Ben Redman | 8 |
141 | David Hogan-Vanbergen | 8 |
142 | David Gourevitch | 8 |
143 | Daniel Beimers | 8 |
144 | Marc Depratto | 8 |
145 | Daniel Al-Khafajy | 8 |
146 | Curtis Lacasse | 8 |
147 | Brad Peever | 8 |
148 | Nicholas Groves | 8 |
149 | Brett Reynolds | 8 |
150 | Noah Oatley | 8 |
151 | Oliver Benning | 8 |
152 | David Andrew Smith | 8 |
153 | Alex Pecora | 8 |
154 | Jonathan Lafrance | 8 |
155 | Justin McDonell | 8 |
156 | Kam Michaud | 8 |
157 | Joey Ketcheson | 8 |
158 | Sean Colby | 8 |
159 | Kanishka Ahmadi | 8 |
160 | Samantha Dion | 8 |
161 | Adam Di Cioccio | 8 |
162 | Jean Charbonneau | 8 |
163 | Kevin Wo | 8 |
164 | Kiel O'neil | 8 |
165 | Jamil Pirani | 8 |
166 | Marc Potvin | 8 |
167 | Ryan Heath | 8 |
168 | Antonio Cinotti | 8 |
169 | Konrad Laptos | 8 |
170 | Jackson Hawthorne | 8 |
171 | Alex Perram | 8 |
172 | Isaac Bragg-Gardiner | 8 |
173 | Tristan Elms | 8 |
174 | Roman Laroche | 8 |
175 | Georges Turcotte | 8 |
176 | William Rowan | 8 |
177 | Tudor Lungu | 8 |
178 | Stephan Lalonde | 8 |
179 | Simon Taubman | 8 |
180 | Erika Langner | 8 |
181 | Alex Johnston | 8 |
182 | Jamie Rickwood-Rhodes | 6 |
183 | Caroline Baskerville | 6 |
184 | Michelle Paradis | 6 |
185 | JQ Snow | 6 |
186 | Dominic Williamson | 6 |
187 | Hadi Tabaja | 6 |
188 | Jamie P | 6 |
189 | Alexandra Marion | 5 |
190 | Jack Trachuk | 5 |
191 | Kiki Ngo | 5 |
192 | Isaac I | 5 |
193 | Adam Hoddinott | 5 |
194 | Jennifer Reynolds | 5 |
195 | Thomas Pingot | 5 |
196 | Joel McDonald | 5 |
197 | RYAN KAPPLER | 5 |
198 | Meagan Hanes | 5 |
199 | Mahaila Smith | 5 |
200 | Andrew Benson | 5 |
201 | River Dowsett | 5 |
202 | Riley Gerard | 5 |
203 | Marcel LeClair | 5 |
204 | Eric Vincent | 5 |
205 | Matthieu Thibualt | 5 |
206 | Tyler Cross | 5 |
207 | Elena McLean | 5 |
208 | Trevor Nash | 5 |
209 | Michael Reynen | 5 |
210 | Nadine Bergeron | 5 |
211 | Amber Cartier-Page | 5 |