The Modern Rogue Report - Seismic Swans
Hey there! It's been a while! I've been a little busy with life lately. Moving, Canadian Nationals, plus a few other things.
Hey there! It's been a while! I've been a little busy with life lately. Moving, Canadian Nationals, plus a few other things.
With the closing of Dominaria Standard this week we begin to make a tradition of the “Best in Class” series
Hey there everyone and welcome back to the 20th instalment of The Modern Rogue Report! I'm Cody McCowell and this week
Since GP Birmingham, people have been raving over “No Win Con Control,” so today I have deck that is the
Welcome back to Going for the Gold! It's been a while since I've delved into the state of Standard so
This week we have a deck that started life as a rouge brew and has become my go to deck
Dominaria is a massive throwback to sets gone by, and as such has revived an archetype of those days as well:
2018 marks the start of a lot of changes for Magic the Gathering, and Challenger decks sit at the forefront