Chapter 1 – Innistrad Midnight Hunt Top Commons for Limited and Prerelease


Table of Contents – Ultimate Guide to Innistrad Midnight Hunt Limited and Prerelease
Chapter 1 - Top Commons for Limited and Prerelease
Chapter 2 - Top Uncommons for Limited and Prerelease
Chapter 3 - Guide to Combat Tricks and Removal Cards by Colour
Chapter 4 – Graveyard Guide for Flashback and Disturb
Chapter 5 – Guide to the Day/Night Cycle

Welcome all to Chapter 1 of the Ultimate Guide to Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Limited and Prerelease. In Chapter 1 I’m going to be focusing on the cards you see the most in your booster packs, commons. Commons in Midnight Hunt are focused on a ton of removal, cards you can cast twice, and some sweet Double-Faced Cards. Common cards are becoming more versatile than ever with some giving you two cards for the price of one. A lot of the synergies in Midnight Hunt will only work in Limited if you find some of the key common cards to fill out your deck.

Here are some of the best commons from Midnight Hunt that you will want to be looking out for when building your first Limited deck.



Candletrap – This is a one-mana spell to prevent a creature from attacking you. Later in the game, if you need to it can be a four-mana sorcery speed removal spell.

Sungold Barrage

Sungold Barrage – Will help you remove the largest threat on your opponents’ side at instant speed. Not too bad for only three mana.

Unruly Mob

Unruly Mob – It’s amazing how quickly this creature can grow throughout the course of a game. It makes combat trading beneficial and makes your opponent think twice about trading during combat.



Consider – This is a sweet one-mana cantrip that can also help you add an important card to your graveyard to use as a resource later. Card selection can sometimes be more important than card advantage.

Organ Hoarder

Organ Hoarder – This three-power creature replaces itself and adds resources to your graveyard for you to use later in the game.


Startle – Another one of those cards that provide value in three different ways. You can use it as removal in a combat scenario, add a 2/2 Zombie and have it replace itself.



Defenestrate – This is a great instant removal spell that will hit 75%, if not more of the creatures on the battlefield. This opposite of Plummet is much better and will hit more targets and should be played in your main deck.

Morkrut Behemoth

Morkrut Behemoth – It will be very easy to get a 7/6 Menace creature for only five mana with the number of 2/2 decayed Zombies floating around. This will most likely take out two good threats on your opponents’ side when they need to block it.


Ardent Elementalist

Arden Elementalist – Even though many spells have Flashback in this set, sometimes it’s nice to recast them the old-fashioned way.

Electric Revelation

Electric Revelation – If this was a sorcery spell it wouldn’t be on this list. Being an instant though gives you more options and allows you to keep up other spells to cast during your opponents’ turn.


Immolation – This acts as a one-mana removal spell that can also be used to pump up one of your large creatures for more damage if needed.

Moonrager's Slash

Moonrager’s Slash – It shouldn’t be too hard to have Night roll around and turn this into a Lightning Bolt.

Stolen Vitality

Stolen Vitality – This is a great offensive and defensive combat trick. You get the bonus in power and can either save your creature in combat as a blocker or push through some damage as an attacker with trample.


Howl of the Hunt

Howl of the Hunt – This is a great combat trick that can not only surprise your opponent but also remain as a permanent addition to your creature making it stronger for future combat.

Shadowbeast Sighting

Shadowbeast Sighting – Getting a 4/4 for four mana from a common is solid, but having Flashback makes this card even better in the late game.



Jack-o’-Lantern – This cheap artifact can be used in any Limited deck and will help you exile some key Disturb or Flashback cards from graveyards. It also replaces itself if you use that ability. After that, it gains more value by helping you filter your mana for any colour.

I hope that this list of common cards can help you navigate the tough deck choices needed for Prerelease and Limited play. Remember that the best cards for your deck are not just the rares and mythics you open in your packs. Thanks again for reading Chapter 1 of the Ultimate Guide to Midnight Hunt Limited and Prerelease. Read on to the next chapter in the Guide to see the top uncommons for Limited and Prerelease. If you’ve missed any of the other chapters for this guide, click below to check them out.

Table of Contents – Ultimate Guide to Innistrad Midnight Hunt Limited and Prerelease
Chapter 1 - Top Commons for Limited and Prerelease
Chapter 2 - Top Uncommons for Limited and Prerelease
Chapter 3 - Guide to Combat Tricks and Removal Cards by Colour
Chapter 4 – Graveyard Guide for Flashback and Disturb
Chapter 5 – Guide to the Day/Night Cycle

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