Standard Deck Tech - Rakdos Sacrifice - MTG Arena

Welcome all to my weekly MTG Arena Video series! Each Monday and Friday I’ll have a new video ready to watch!

It's time for another Standard Deck Tech with new decks using Kamigawa Neon Dynasty cards. Today I'll be playing a Rakdos Sacrifice deck. The goal of the deck is to sacrifice artifacts with Oni-Cult Anvil to drain your opponent and gain resources. You can also sacrifice creatures with cards like Deadly Dispute and Immersturm Predator to gain value as well. Over the course of the game, these incremental value increases will gain you more resources and help you win the game.

Let me know if there is a format in MTG Arena you would like me to tryout! If you like the videos and want to see more, please make sure you subscribe and hit the Like button.

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