Alchemy Deck Tech - Gruul Werewolves - MTG Arena

Welcome all to my weekly MTG Arena Video series! Each Monday and Friday I’ll have a new video ready to watch!

Welcome back to the channel and I'm here with my first Alchemy Deck Tech. Today I'll be playing Gruul Werewolves. The great part about the introduction to Alchemy is that it adds a bunch of new cards to help existing deck archetypes get to the next level. The goal of this deck is to play creatures on curve to overwhelm your opponent. There are powerful creatures from the one-drop slot (Tenacious Pup) all the way until the five-drop slot (Volatile Arsonist). New Alchemy cards can be seen throughout the deck including Tenacious Pup, Rahilda, Wanted Cutthroat and Bloodrage Alpha. Each of them fills in a hole that Gruul Werewolves has had to make its deck complete. Let's give this deck a try and see how it does!

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