First-Time SCG Experience: Syracuse, NY
Over the weekend of September 15 and 16th, I attended my first StarCityGames.com Open event in Syracuse, NY. It was
Over the weekend of September 15 and 16th, I attended my first StarCityGames.com Open event in Syracuse, NY. It was
That Tron deck just always casts Karn on turn three! That deck still combo’d me after all the graveyard hate
Do you remember Dominaria spoiler season? I do. It was a pretty awesome set, from top to bottom. We got
Hey there everyone, and welcome back to 24th instalment of The Rogue Report! It's been a little while, but last
So this week I took a gander through the 5-0 decklists from MTGO's Competitive Standard and I found a real
Hello fellow Modern Grinders, my name is Peter Shmanka. Just like yourselves, I'm looking for edges to win local tournaments
So this week I’m back and I want to be discussing the deck that I genuinely believe is the best
TL;DR -Too Long Don't Read Warning (Bridge Vine is nutter-butters, and I actually do get lucky sometimes!) Just kidding, please
Welcome back to Going for the Gold! Unlike most hobbies, Magic has a competitive side where its best players compete
Back in March, Cody McCowell wrote an article on a Modern Soulflayer deck that had a 7-0 start at GP Lyon.